Design Guide
1. Digital Print
- Digital printing is where the ink lays flat on the card and creates a smooth finish. This is a flexible option that allows printing in full colour, as well as white ink. It is most cost-effective printing option.
- Can be combined with foil print.
- Personalised guest names for place cards, menus and envelope addressing available in this print method.
Full digital print on standard cardstock

Digital print on standard card stock + gold foil print names

2. Letterpress Print
- Traditional letterpress printing leaves what is called an impression in the page with minimal show-through on the reverse side of the sheet.
- Letterpress is a time and labour intensive craft that requires great attention to detail. Printing a letterpress project requires printing plates to be made, ink to be hand mixed and then time to get the press set up just right.
- When more than one colour is required in the design, the effort in hand mixing the ink and setting up the press is required for each colour. For instance, if black and pink text is required on the wedding invitation, this is a two colour job and means that the paper will be put through the press twice.
- As such it is the most premium and costly method of printing.
- Can be combined with foil print.
- Personalised guest names for place cards, menus and envelope addressing are not available in this print method.
Black ink letterpress on cotton paper (one colour job)

Black ink letterpress on cotton paper (one colour job) + gold foil print names + mix of gold foil print and blind deboss florals

3. Blind emboss or deboss
- An emboss is raised up from the page whereas a deboss is the reverse of this. We love creating blind emboss or deboss elements on your stationery for a subtle yet sophisticated effect. This means there is no ink applied to the text or the element/illustration.
- Can be combined with foil print.
- Personalised guest names for place cards, menus and envelope addressing are not available in this print method.
Pink ink letterpress on cotton paper (one colour job) + rose gold foil print names + blind deboss florals

4. Foil print
- Foil press uses heat to fuse metal foil to card stock, cotton paper or vellum leaving a beautiful metallic shine to your paper. This also creates a slight indent to the paper. Available in gold, rose gold, silver, black and pink.
- Can be combined with digital print or letterpress print.
- Personalised guest names for place cards, menus and envelope addressing are not available in this print method.
Digital print on standard card stock + gold foil print names

Black ink letterpress on cotton paper (one colour job) + gold foil print names + mix of gold foil print and blind deboss florals

1.Standard Card Stock
- Most cost effective option best used with digital printing. Any colour or illustration is achievable with digital printing on standard cardstock. Foil printing also available.
- Available in 450gsm and standard sizes of 12 x 17 cm or 15 x 21 cm. Die cuts/custom shapes available upon request
2. Cotton Paper
- A natural and textural finish containing blends of cotton, best used with letterpress printing and elevated with foil printing.
- Available in:
- Milky off white colour, textural finish, 450gsm.
- Premium pure white colour, smooth finish, 600gsm.
- Standard sizes of 12 x 17 cm or 15 x 21 cm. Die cuts/custom shapes available upon request.
450gsm milk white cotton paper

600gsm premium pure white cotton paper

3. Vellum paper
- Besides vellum, it may be referred to as tracing paper, see-through paper, transparent paper and translucent paper.
- Vellum paper has a super smooth, almost plastic-like finish. It’s delicate yet durable and great for invitation overlays, insert cards, envelopes or place cards.
Vellum envelope
Vellum menu
4. Acrylic
- Clear acrylic or perspex is a beautiful choice for modern stationery available in standard size of 13 x 19cm.
- White and gold printing is the most common.
- Great choices for invitations, place cards and table numbers.
- Other colours, die cuts/shapes including mirror acrylics available upon request.
Acrylic invitation